Colección: Flour

Petra, the unique flour.

The number of restaurant options has significantly increased over the last decades together with the widespread use of ready-made meals, resulting in a reduction of the amount of  time spent on food preparation and cooking at home.

For the milling industry this new trend resulted in the loss of value and consequently the quality of raw materials, especially flour. Moreover, the agricultural techniques have been adapted to meet the needs of big multinationals in the sector.

The project behind Petra started in 2006 in Molino Quaglia. The Quaglia family realized that there was a need to reaffirm the importance of flour, the most common and simple ingredient of the human diet, in order to ensure a healthier diet, taking also into account the nutritional and climate change aspects. Starting from the second post-war period, flour has slowly lost its nutritional values and the characteristic properties given by the different kinds of seeds used. This has led to a uniformity of the quality, the color and nutritional values of the flours on the market.  
Petra is a unique flour that stands out compared with other products available. Today, Petra presents a wide variety of  flour  that guarantees high performance and distinctive texture, color and flavor.
