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Italiana Capers Sud

Lipari Island Capers in Sicilian Sea Salt

Lipari Island Capers in Sicilian Sea Salt

Regular price $38.00
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The beautiful island of Lipari is part of the Eolian Archipelago off the north-eastern coast of Sicily.  On this magnificent island we find the ideal conditions to grow some of the most spectacular capers in the world.
How to use capers in salt
before using them, soak them in plenty of cold water, changing it several times, so that they lose a little salt and be careful not to add too much salt to the food to which they will be added. They are great; also simply seasoned with olive oil, a few drops of vinegar and flavored with garlic. They are used in numerous and tasty dishes, with meat and fish, in side dishes, in preparing sauces and specialties and they have a useful tonic-digestive function.

How to use capers in white wine vinegar:
before using them it is advisable to wash them in cold water to partially eliminate the sour taste of the vinegar. They are used in tomato, rice and mixed salads and can be served alone with olive oil and other natural flavors.  
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